Meghan je pred poroko s Harryjem delala kot prostovoljka v ljudski kuhinji

14. 12. 2019
Meghan je pred poroko s Harryjem delala kot prostovoljka v ljudski kuhinji (foto: Profimedia)

Nič čudnega, da je vojvodinja Meghan Markle priljubljena, saj precejšnji del svojega časa posveča humanitarnim organizacijam.

Preko svojega Instagram profila sta Meghan in Harry podprla veliko dobrodelnih organizacij in združenj, med njimi pa je tudi center za brezdomce St. Felix v Torontu.  Tamkajšnji prostovoljci so na svojem družbenem omrežju delili sliko prostovoljcev, na kateri je tudi Meghan Markle.

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We feel very grateful and honoured to have been highlighted by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan Markle, as one of 12 charities doing important work worldwide. 🙏🏻 This photo has Meghan volunteering in our kitchen! ❤ . The couple said: “With the festive holiday season upon us, it’s also a reminder to reflect on those in need – those who may feel lonely, hungry, homeless, or may be experiencing the holidays for the first time without loved ones. It’s an important time of year to help those around you who may be less fortunate, or who would appreciate even the smallest act of kindness. Continuing our monthly tradition of highlighting accounts that do good, and inspired by the “Twelve Days of Christmas” - we have selected twelve organisations caring for those in need - especially at this time of year.” . Meghan Markle was an active supporter and volunteer of St. Felix Centre during her time living in the city while working on Suits. She volunteered on a regular basis in our kitchen as part of our Community Meals Program. The Duchess also donated food from the set of Suits, and on one Thanksgiving she brought in all the food, turkeys and the fixings for over 100 people. . Through our Twitter account we responded to the announcement: “Thank you! Many people here have fond memories of Duchess Meghan volunteering with us – though we remember her just as 'the lovely Meghan'. We're happy to see she continues supporting vulnerable people now as a member of the Royal Family. We'd love for her to visit us again one day.” . Thousands of people have responded to the call to visit our social media platforms, many of them urging people to make a donation to our Lighting the Way Christmas campaign. . Many vulnerable people in our Toronto need your support! If you are planning your holiday giving, please consider making a donation to our Lighting the Way campaign - link in our bio. Your support can make all the difference! . #Toronto #stfelixcentre #homeless #charity #harryandmeghan #sussexroyal #meghanmarkle #volunteer #lovetoronto #blogto #curiocitytoronto #hypetoronto #libertyvillage #queenwest #toreats #tdot #6ixgrams #torontolife #igerstoronto

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"Meghan Markle je bila aktivna in delovna prostovoljka centra za brezdomce St. Felix, medtem ko je bivala v Kanadi, ko je snemala serijo Suits. Na dan zahvalnosti se je še posebej izkazala, saj je donirala hrano za več kot sto ljudi," so zapisali na svojem Instagramu. 

V opisu fotografije so še zapisali, da imajo številni lepe spomine na vojvodinjo Meghan in da so res veseli, da še naprej podpira ranljive družbene skupine kot članica kraljeve družine. Dodali so še, da bi jih veselilo, če bi jih spet obiskala.

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